Sunday, June 3, 2007

Installing SAP in Windows 2003 server

Installation guidelines for SAP 4.6c 1. Install OS (server) 2. Create a microsoft loop back adapter 3. config by giving an ip addres eg. 4. Edit the Host file in windowws type: om SAPTRANSHOST where om is the computer name give one space after ip address and two tabs after computer name 5. save the file 6. check the connection by typing ping saptranshost in command prompt ** paging allocation ** select atleast 1500-2000 mb for pagging file 7. install Oracle by running sapsever.cmd 8. stop all oracle process from going to serices.msc 9. install oracle patches. 10. restart the system 11. install the SAP istance by running setup.bat 12. follow on screen instruction 13. log off 14.install central instance 15. install database instance 16. on 95% it will ask for a password there we have to start the sap server. 17. complete the installation 18. install SAp GUI if you have any other queries mail me : now get paid for each sms u recieve in ur phone... seems intresting.. yaa its true register here

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